Luck o' the Irish!

Dewey is dancing his "jig" again and is tired and "knackered" of these "thick dosser" Covid rules and wants to "bunk off" from this "gaff"

Dewey and his "boyo" friends is a "chancer" and travel planes (airports), trains, and automobiles and even golf courses, but Dewey is tired of being a "cuchie" and mostly wants to "crack on" and bring some refreshing wellness to other "gaffs".

There's alot of "free gaffs" out there and he wants to help! Dewey is not "codding ya"... he's seriously "craic" Let us know if you want to take a "gander" with Dewey's friendship! 😉

We're "delira and excira" to get sharing Dewey and his friends again! Such a "gas"!!

Do you know some Irish slang too? 🤣
