David Witzaney here at from the Witzaney Family Farm and New Life Organic Foods where we believe in nourishing and connecting families through conscientious farming. ( To see David's full story with pictures click here: https://getoiling.com/NewLifeStyle/blog


Do you have a favourite childhood memory? Ever since I was a small child in the sandbox, I’ve always wanted to farm. When my sandbox became too small for my growing farm, I moved my scaled down tractors out to the garden. As I grew older it was very natural to follow my father around the farm, learning, helping and working on our family farm just like our children have also done.

Over the years this desire to farm grew into certifying our land as organic and we started growing food and sharing that food with families in western Canada. In my quest to make our food even healthier and more nutrient dense, I’ve spent the past several years researching soil health and soil microbiology.
The microbial life in soil is where it’s at for healthy food…and I love sharing all that I’ve learned in workshops or one on one with other farmers. Check out more info on our farm/photos: www.newlifeorganicfoods.com

The microbial life in the soil is the same as the microbial life in our gut. You can eat all the nutrient-dense food you want but if your body can’t digest and absorb it then it’s a waste of “fertiilzer” so to speak on the land. The proper pH in the soil, the proper bacteria in the soil and the proper amount of fungi… create a balanced environment in the soil and keep the plants growing healthy

“As soon as you add the junk like pesticides and ammonia fertilizers you destroy the microbial life of the soil and you grow junk food”

We are what we eat after all…. so I encourage you to know where your food comes from and how it’s grown. Our mission is to connect families to the land through the nourishing food we grow, as well as other simple beautiful things in life.

It’s the same for other things we bring into our home… not just our food, but our cleaners, fragrances, etc. As the soil on our farm needs the farmer to reduce toxins to thrive so do our homes/families need us to be the gatekeepers of our home and reduce the toxins allowed to enter.

Our family started reclaiming our wellness with Young Living essential oils 17 years ago. Three years ago we decided to share wellness and build a team in order to subsidize income on our farm with growing food for families. We’ve been very thankful we made this decision when a year ago I lost my oilfield job.

The reason the essential oils work at helping heal our body, prevent “dis-ease” in our body, and enable our body to absorb nutrients is that they are “life blood” or healing properties of each plant. Make sure your essential oils are distilled from the plant, that has been grown in soil with good microbial life, harvested at the right time and distilled in a scientifically ethical process. We are super thankful that we can respect a company like Young Living with their Seed to Seal guarantee.

Check out our Reclaim your own wellness class to learn more. https://getoiling.com/NewLifeStyle/members/vaults/2409/classes/1806

“Did you know there are six key areas to help reclaim our wellness with a healthy body?
Guess what!! They are practically the same for healthy soil!”

Yes.. I’ve even helped teach an Oola Workshop…more on that to come in May!

Reclaim Your Own Wellness!